Which star is the shortest on the picture ?Between perfect camera angles and sky-high heels, it’s hard to tell that there’s any short celebs in Hollywood. But ya know what? These stars are so adorbs that we kind of want to put them in our pocket and take them everywhere with us. Did you know these celebs were actually pretty tiny?! |

In a world where anyone can fix their nose if they'd like it smaller or
plump up their lips if they want them fuller, we expect perfection,
especially in Hollywood. One thing stars can't change (without wearing
extremely tall heels)? Their height
He is little big man
American actor best known for roles in films such as The Graduate,
Midnight Cowboy, Tootsie and Rain Man. He has commented on his height on
many occasions and will emphasis that he's "Five foot five and 3/4" although he has said to 5ft 6 as his height aswell.
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